Lytham St.Annes Coat of Arms
Lytham St.Annes, Lancashire, England


Little Marton (Blackpool)


Preston Chronicle, Saturday, August 13, 1831


On. the public road, betwixt Preston and Blackpool, about three miles from the latter place, lies the hamlet called Little Martin, in which there is a pool of water, about ten or twelve yards from the public road, and near a windmill.

This pool was scoured out many years ago, at which time it was perfectly motionless. Afterwards, when it replenished itself every fifteen minutes, or thereabouts the water, generally at the centre of the pool, rose, and continues to rise, with great turbulence, and to a considerable height, the swell being about half-a-yard in diameter.

Several smaller ebullitions at the same time appear in different parts of the pool, throwing up the mud to a considerable height. These continue for about five minutes and then the pool again becomes   quiescent, and continues so for the next fifteen minutes.

Several experiments have been made to find out the cause of this ebbing and flowing, but without effect.